Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Jays shake it up

Since Sun TV News effectively monopolized the blog today, here are the Toronto Blue Jays getting hit by an earthquake in San Diego on Monday night during a game against the Padres. The Jays beat the National League leading Padres 6-3, perhaps thanks to a little tectonic karma.

Daily Image

Today's Image is yet another video. It's Sun TV News' teaser trailer, I suppose you could call it. Although it reads more like a campaign commercial for Canada's answer to Ronald Reagan, I'm sure it appeals to someone out there. Maybe.

Daily Quote

"We're taking on smug, condescending, often irrelevant journalism. We're taking on political correctness. We will not be a state broadcaster offering boring news by bureaucrats and paid for by taxpayers. We will be unapologetically patriotic. We will offer the kind of raw debate that Canadians only find today in coffee shops and around the dinner table. Sun TV News will be controversially Canadian."

- Kory Teneycke, Vice President of Development, Quebecor Media Inc.
Today, during the announcement of Sun TV News, Quebecor's new all-news channel.

"Fox News North" is actually Sun TV News

Pierre Karl Péladeau, President and CEO of Quebecor Inc., and Kory Teneycke, VP of Development for Quebecor Media Inc., unveil Sun TV News.

Pierre Karl Péladeau, the billionaire President and CEO of Quebecor Inc., unveiled Sun TV News today at the offices of the Toronto Sun. The new all-news network, which was first reported under with the nickname Fox News North, will launch in 2011. Much of the speculation about the new network, which Péladeau said would compete directly with CBC News Network and CTV News Channel, was confirmed in today's announcement.

Here are the details:
  • Sun TV News will share resources and reporters with the Sun chain of newspapers and, as Péladeau put it, would have an emphasis on "strong personalities."
  • The network will adopt a format of hard breaking news during the day and focus on talk, editorial, and opinion in the evening.
  • Péladeau argued today that Canadians are ill-served by CBC News Network and CTV News Channel and are opting for American news networks instead.
  • As expected, Kory Teneycke, the former chief spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, will head the new network. During the announcement today, he called Canada's existing all-news networks "narrow, complacent, and politically-correct."
  • While obviously describing a new network that will be quite unique among the existing news networks, Teneycke rejected the "Fox News North" label, saying Sun TV News will offer "strong opinions and analysis" but will carry a range of points of view.
  • Teneycke also answered the wave of editorial criticism facing the new network, saying it is "natural that our competitors should be worried."
  • While a rumored figure of $100 Million was speculated as the Quebecor investment in the new network, neither Péladeau nor Teneycke would state the actual figure with Péladeau saying it would be "whatever is appropriate."
Read the full Quebecor press release announcing Sun TV News here.
Explore the new Sun TV News website.