Friday, July 2, 2010

Daily Quote

"The Canadian government is not content to merely submit us to the merchant oligarchy and to deliver it our resources, it demands that we enslave other people. Suffering the effects of the dangers of gas exportation is not enough, we have to secure a pipeline route (TAPI) on Afghan territory. The soldiers of the Canadian Army, let it be very clear, they are not 'ours, they belong to the one to whom they foolishly pledge allegiance, Her Majesty Elisabeth II."

- Résistance Internationaliste
From a statement sent to La Presse today claiming responsibility for an explosion at a Canadian Forces Recruitment centre in Trois-Rivières.

Read the full story here.

Daily Image

We are all equal, and no one has the right to dictate to another who they can and cannot love.

Happy Pride Week to EVERYONE!