Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Daily Image

In case you haven't already heard/live on a remote island in the South Pacific, Lindsay Lohan is going to jail for 90 days for repeatedly violating her parole stemming from her 2007 DUI conviction.

Now here's the story you probably haven't heard...

See that photo of Lindsay? It was taken at her court appearance yesterday. Look close. Closer. CLOSER! Her middle fingernail...

That little "Fuck U" now could find Lindsay in contempt of court. According to legal experts, if in fact the photographs are legitimate and unaltered, and if in fact the nail's message was directed at the judge or the court, she could indeed be found in contempt, adding on to her 90-day sentence.

Los Angeles Public Defender Greg Apt called the fingernail "the most creative way to end up in contempt of court" he's ever seen. I disagree. It's not bad. But if she had written it in cocaine with an alcohol-based adhesive, THAT would be creative!

How to be a man in Iran

Here, an Iranian official shows off the latest summer styles in men's hair fashion. Well, not quite. He's actually displaying hairstyles that are especially-permissible Islamic styles. That's right, the Iranian government has set out specific guidelines for men's hair in an effort to curb Western influence on the country.

It is part of the annual crackdown on Western fashion, style, and culture by Iran's Ministry of Culture. Each summer, the ministry releases new guidelines on what is appropriate style for the Islamic republic. The idea is to maintain Iran's independence and keep Western trends at bay.

Read the full story from the New York Times here.