Saturday, July 24, 2010

Daily Quote

“I must recognize Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the chair of this year’s G8 and G20 meetings and his health minister, Leona Aglukkaq, for demonstrating, once again, their incredible ability to take credit where none is due."
- Dr. Julio Montaner, President of the International AIDS Society
Yesterday, during his closing address at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria.
Read the full story from the Globe & Mail here.

Daily Image

This was the horrific last moment of Capt. Brian Bews' CF-18 Hornet after he had to eject from the jet during a practice run for the Alberta International Airshow in Lethbridge, AB, yesterday afternoon.

The jet then crashed to the ground, erupting into a ball of flames.

Miraculously, Capt. Bews was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and was released earlier today.

The Defense Department is investigating the crash.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Daily Image

Cool skyline, right? It's got the former WTC, the Sears Tower, John Hancock Centre, Chicago Spire, Empire State Building, and those are just the ones I can name off the top of my head.

What makes this skyline VERY cool is that each one of those models is made out of Lego!

Yes, Lego - thousands and thousands of pieces of Lego.

It is part of a series of models by architect Adam Reed Tucker on display at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. He also sells scaled-down versions of these models on his website - which of course, the buyer assembles.

Check out the website here.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Daily Quote

Yes, it's been a while...

“Ground Zero Mosque supporters, doesn’t it stab you in the heart as it does our throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, please refudiate.”

- Sarah Palin
A tweet posted yesterday in reference to the mosque being constructed on the former grounds of the World Trade Center in NYC, in which she invented the word "refudiate." Palin would later compare herself to William Shakespeare.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lisa LaFlamme to replace Robertson in 2011

CTV has announced that Lisa LaFlamme (and not Tom Clark, as C&C predicted) will replace Lloyd Robertson as chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News when he retires in 2011. LaFlamme is current CTV News' national affairs correspondent.

Now I am all about respecting the lines of succession, but LaFlamme could easily be the least charismatic woman in broadcast journalism. What CTV News needs, now that old Lloyd is heading out the door, is a makeover - a fresh new format to ease it out of the stuffy, navy blue Lloyd Robertson era. I am not sure that LaFlamme is the candidate to do that.

But then again, I watch CBC News. Now, if Diana Swain were to pull a Lloyd and jump over to CTV after Lisa LaFlamme is ousted after half a season as anchor, I could easily be persuaded to jump too.

Lloyd Robertson to (finally) retire

Lloyd Robertson, the longest-serving news anchor in North America, has announced that he will retire from his position as chief anchor and senior editor of the CTV National News late next year.

Robertson took over the anchor's chair in 1976 after jumping over to CTV from CBC News, something that was thought unthinkable at the time but has become commonplace today. Following his retirement in 2011, Robertson will have served as chief anchor for 35 years, longer than any other broadcaster in North America.

No doubt there are many individuals who have been holding their breath for Robertson to retire, leaving his coveted position vacant. CTV plans to announce his replacement later today. Create & Commerce would like to officially put $20 on Tom Clark, the host of CTV News Channel's highly-rated political show Power Play with Tom Clark, replacing Robertson as chief anchor. Clark previously served as CTV's Washington bureau chief, as well as host for W5, CTV's investigative news magazine program.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Daily Image

In case you haven't already heard/live on a remote island in the South Pacific, Lindsay Lohan is going to jail for 90 days for repeatedly violating her parole stemming from her 2007 DUI conviction.

Now here's the story you probably haven't heard...

See that photo of Lindsay? It was taken at her court appearance yesterday. Look close. Closer. CLOSER! Her middle fingernail...

That little "Fuck U" now could find Lindsay in contempt of court. According to legal experts, if in fact the photographs are legitimate and unaltered, and if in fact the nail's message was directed at the judge or the court, she could indeed be found in contempt, adding on to her 90-day sentence.

Los Angeles Public Defender Greg Apt called the fingernail "the most creative way to end up in contempt of court" he's ever seen. I disagree. It's not bad. But if she had written it in cocaine with an alcohol-based adhesive, THAT would be creative!

How to be a man in Iran

Here, an Iranian official shows off the latest summer styles in men's hair fashion. Well, not quite. He's actually displaying hairstyles that are especially-permissible Islamic styles. That's right, the Iranian government has set out specific guidelines for men's hair in an effort to curb Western influence on the country.

It is part of the annual crackdown on Western fashion, style, and culture by Iran's Ministry of Culture. Each summer, the ministry releases new guidelines on what is appropriate style for the Islamic republic. The idea is to maintain Iran's independence and keep Western trends at bay.

Read the full story from the New York Times here.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Daily Quote

“There are times in one’s life when things get put in perspective, one being when my father passed, and obviously what I’ve been going through lately."

- Tiger Woods
During a tense press conference today following the final round of the J.P. McManus Invitational Pro-Am golf tournament in Adare, Ireland.

Read the full story from the Toronto Star here...because it's really, really good.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Daily Quote

"The Canadian government is not content to merely submit us to the merchant oligarchy and to deliver it our resources, it demands that we enslave other people. Suffering the effects of the dangers of gas exportation is not enough, we have to secure a pipeline route (TAPI) on Afghan territory. The soldiers of the Canadian Army, let it be very clear, they are not 'ours, they belong to the one to whom they foolishly pledge allegiance, Her Majesty Elisabeth II."

- Résistance Internationaliste
From a statement sent to La Presse today claiming responsibility for an explosion at a Canadian Forces Recruitment centre in Trois-Rivières.

Read the full story here.