Friday, July 9, 2010

Lisa LaFlamme to replace Robertson in 2011

CTV has announced that Lisa LaFlamme (and not Tom Clark, as C&C predicted) will replace Lloyd Robertson as chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News when he retires in 2011. LaFlamme is current CTV News' national affairs correspondent.

Now I am all about respecting the lines of succession, but LaFlamme could easily be the least charismatic woman in broadcast journalism. What CTV News needs, now that old Lloyd is heading out the door, is a makeover - a fresh new format to ease it out of the stuffy, navy blue Lloyd Robertson era. I am not sure that LaFlamme is the candidate to do that.

But then again, I watch CBC News. Now, if Diana Swain were to pull a Lloyd and jump over to CTV after Lisa LaFlamme is ousted after half a season as anchor, I could easily be persuaded to jump too.

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