Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daily Quote(s)

Today, General Stanley A. McChrystal was fired from his post as the commander of American forces in Afghanistan after a meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House. Obama called McChrystal in for the meeting after he made comments criticizing administration officials and the War in Afghanistan policies in a highly-publicized Rolling Stone article.

While I tried to find one quote that exemplified McChrystal's detraction from the administration, there was just too much gold to choose from. So here is a series McChrystal quotes taken directly from the Rolling Stone article that best exemplify the former commander of American forces in Afghanistan:

"How'd I get screwed into going to this dinner? I'd rather have my ass kicked by a roomful of people than go out to this dinner. Unfortunately, no one in this room could do it."
- Referring to a dinner in Paris where he is to deliver a speech.The article goes on to describe McChrystal as a man who hates anything too "Gucci."
"All these men, I'd die for them. And they'd die for me."
- At an Irish pub in Paris called Kitty O'Shea's, referring to his inner circle of military advisors, who at the time of this comment, the writer of the article describes as "completely shitfaced."
"We've shot an amazing number of people."
- Referring to the civilian death toll in Afghanistan as a result of the war.
"I ask you what's going on in your world, and I think it's important for you all to understand the big picture as well. How's the company doing? You guys feeling sorry for yourselves? Anybody? Anybody feel like you're losing? Strength is leading when you just don't want to lead. You're leading by example. That's what we do. Particularly when it's really, really hard, and it hurts inside."
- During a discussion with two-dozen soldiers in a tent on an army base in Afghanistan.
"The Russians killed 1 million Afghans, and that didn't work."
- Referring to the idea that American forces can not kill their way out of Afghanistan.
"Even Afghans are confused by Afghanistan."
- Referring to the wild, tumultuous history of Afghanistan

Read the full Rolling Stone article by Michael Hastings here.

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