Monday, June 7, 2010

Here's to you, Simon Pegg!

Simon Pegg is pale. Simon Pegg is short. Simon Pegg has a pudgy face and a receding hairline. Simon Pegg is not pretty, certainly not Hollywood-pretty.

But Simon Pegg is very funny. Simon Pegg has great delivery and a superb penchant for the "underdog" character. He's fantastic.

Simon Pegg is a monument to what is right and good in Hollywood - talent over image. It's rare, it's refreshing, and above all, it's impressive. For, in an increasingly TMZ'd, Photoshopped, Meagan Fox-style Hollywood, when Simon Pegg can get lead work, he gives us all hope. And we cheer him on.

And if you haven't seen How to Lose Friends and Alienate People and Hot Fuzz, do it now!

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