Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Al Qaeda to launch English-language magazine

No, this is not a joke. Al Qaeda, the multinational organization most famous for its jihadist mission against the West, plans to diversify its operations into new ventures, starting with the new magazine Inspire. The organization has announced the magazine in an online ad. It will be based upon the already popular online magazine Sada al-Malahim (translation: Echo of the Battle).

Inspire will feature guest writer Anwar al Awlaki, the American Muslim cleric blamed for stirring up violence among Western Muslim youth - including the so-called Toronto 18. Articles will include profiles of terrorist leaders and suicide bombers and helpful tips on how to not divulge information if caught or interrogated.

No official launch date has been set for the magazine nor is there any word on whether the publication will be available in North America.

PHOTOS: Top - online ad announcing Inspire. Left - Cleric Anwar al Awlaki.

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