Wednesday, June 30, 2010

C&C Presents: The Best of June (Part I)

It has been a big month for Create & Commerce. Not only was June the innaugural month of publication, there were also many high profile events to cover. The announcement by Quebecor that they are launching a new conservative cable news network, Sun TV News, was a perfect platform for C&C's media coverage. The ongoing World Cup is a big one too, as is the BP oil spill. And of course, the G8/G20 Summits and the ensuing aftermath still fill C&C's front page. There was also a slew of new pop hits to review, creative ad campaigns to cover, and even some linguistic commentary.

Yes, June was a good month. So here is the first of what I hope will be many "Best of's" - a sampling of the best moments of Create & Commerce's month of June.

1. Let's all go to the lobby
Monday, June 7
This was C&C's first forray into the editorial pool. I went to see Toy Story 3 last night at the Cineplex Galaxy here in Guelph and it completely reinforced everything I had written in this column. Big cinema chains are sucking the magic out of the movie-going experience and replacing it with fake butter.

2. Daily Quote
Monday, June 7
The unveiling of Sun TV News made this quote by Ted Koppel all the more relevant. When business imposes expectations of profitability, ratings hits, and advertising revenue on the news media, we all suffer.

3. C&C Review: Alejandro

Tuesday, June 8
This was the first review published on Create & Commerce. It is funny how much more attention you pay to a song when you've reviewed it. Since I wrote this piece, "Alejandro" has grown considerably on me. It has found it's way into my iTunes Top 25 and I just can't help but to sing along in the car whenever it comes on, which is a lot, by the way. I you still haven't watched the accompanying music video, you are missing out.

4. Nike Football
Wednesday, June 9
The "Write the Future" campaign has actually come back to haunt both Nike and all the stars who appeared in this commercial. Apparently, karma balances out getting paid millions to be in a Nike spot with utter failure at the World Cup. Who knew?

5. Daily Image
Wednesday, June 9
This photo of reporter Rich Matthews diving into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill still amazes me. And several weeks later, thanks to clumsy underwater robots, tropical storms, and political posturing, BP is no closer to cleaning up their mess.

6. Daily Image
Thursday, June 10
Readers and myself including were extremely touched by this photograph showing a married couple as children on separate trips to Disney World caught in the same frame decades before they had even met. This photograph remains my favorite Daily Image to date.

7. Here's to you, sunglasses!
Thursday, June 10
The unseasonably-wet summer so far has depleted the value of my sunglasses collection considerably. Nevertheless, they remain an essential element of my wardrobe. This piece was especially fun to write.

8. "Fox News North" is actually Sun TV News
Tuesday, June 15
The Sun TV News story was the first big story actually covered daily on Create & Commerce. The implications of creating a conservative news network in Canada are far reaching. We risk creating the kind of polarized political climate here that exists in the US by politicizing the news media. True democracy can only flourish with non-partisan, objective, and unbiased journalism and Sun TV News is essentially spitting in the face of that idea. At least we have some time before it launches this January to enjoy the peace and quiet before loud, obnoxious conservative pundits take to the air.

9. Daily Quote

Wednesday, June 16
Ah yes, Miley Cyrus defending herself against those who would call her new revealing image "slutty". This was published before the Much Music Video Awards. Did anybody not see how she looked at the MMVA's? Here's a link. And another.

10. Review: California Gurls
Wednesday, June 16
It's a good thing I reviewed this song because it is looking to be the anthem of Summer 2010. Not that I am complaining - I do love it, but on my way back to Guelph from Sudbury this past weekend, I heard it played on Virgin Radio five times. FIVE TIMES. I still can't make sense of the video, however. But I don't think I'm meant to. After all, Katy Perry is naked. What more do you want?


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